#IamCharlie – Inclusion in children’s books as a power for change

It is hard to respond to the events that have devastated Paris this week. Words like 'shocking' and 'awful' lose meaning and can't sum up what has happened. I think that's why so many people have responded with action. People have stood together in solidarity, held pencils in the air, and used hashtags like #IAmCharlie... Continue Reading →

Through the Woods – Giveaway

(Competition now closed. The winner was Damyanti!) Happy New Year! I've decided not to give anything up for New Year- January can be gloomy enough as it is. Instead, I am going to continue. To carry forward. I had such a delicious warm and scrummy Christmas and I want to bring as much of that... Continue Reading →

New Year’s Read : Five Reading Resolutions for 2015

This year I will read and write. Recklessly, generously, emotionally, widely, loudly and selfishly. I’m looking forward to sharing with you all. The lovely LH Johnson sums it up beautifully here.
Happy New Year folks!

Daisy May Johnson

(With obvious inspiration due to Daniel Pennac)

1. Read Recklessly

Read books when you have no time to read; read them in snatches on the bus, whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, whilst the adverts are on. Read them recklessly and with abandon and dangerously and interlace these texts into your life. Jam a paperback into your bag. Make the packed lunch and tuck in chapter fourteen. Read on the run, on the go, read recklessly and hopelessly and hungrily.

2. Read Anything

Read books that are books, books that aren’t books, books that are words on the back of the HP sauce bottle and compose a message from them and drop them it into the sea, wrapped in a bottle and sealed with candle-wax. Read an adventure on the back of the soap packet, wrap words around you, read books for girls, books for boys, books for adults, books about toys…

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