The Story of Britain – history doesn’t have to be horrible

The Story of Britain by Mick Manning and Brita Granström has transformed the way we talk and learn about history in our family. Mollie is fascinated by history but is too young for the blood and guts versions that seem so prevalent at the moment. The Story of Britain is hugely accessible, full of information,... Continue Reading →

Teaching your child to read – book bands, reading schemes and early readers.

The world of reading schemes, book bands, early readers and early chapter books can be a bit of a minefield and seems to have its own language. It can be particularly tricky if your child hasn't started school yet and you are working it all out on your own. I thought it might be useful... Continue Reading →

Encountering dementia

More and more children are encountering dementia in their families and are learning to adapt their relationships to account for dementia's effects on their loved ones. Grandma by Jessica Shepherd (Child's Play) and Really and Truly by Emile Rivard and Anne-Claire Deslisle (Franklin Watts) explore a child's changing relationship with a grandparent who has developed... Continue Reading →

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