Sloth Slept On by Frann Preston-Gannon

A group of children find a sloth snoring away in their garden. Not knowing what it is, they pile it into their wagon and set off to find out. Two of the children use their imagination to play out where the sloth could have appeared from, while the smallest looks to books to find out... Continue Reading →

Friendship through the books of Tom Percival

I have just had another sort through of books. I am not naturally organised but I do love a list. And making piles. I don't tend to get much done beyond that, but my lists always look good and the piles of books make me feel organised. Today, however, I have had a crazy coincidence.... Continue Reading →

Dinosaur Farm by Frann Preston-Gannon

You think you've got it tough? Try working on a dinosaur farm! Frann Preston-Gannon is the first UK recipient of the Sendak Fellowship, a week long residential course with the late Maurice Sendak exclusively for artists who tell stories with illustration. Dinosaur Farm is her second book, and dedicated to Maurice Sendak. The Journey Home... Continue Reading →

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