The London Eye Mystery

I've been making the most of my local library lately - discovering books that I've missed and picking up ones that have been languishing on my wish list for far too long. One of the joys I've discovered is The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd. As a quick side note - if you haven't... Continue Reading →

When car boot sales go wrong

A few weeks ago Team Haselup headed out to a car boot sale to hunt for books (me), cuddly toys (Molls) and 'stuff that might be useful for a storysack' (Mrs H). We arrived at about the same time as the huge, un-forecast downpour of rain. We ran back to the car and hid from... Continue Reading →

The Lost Books

I love books! Had you noticed? I love to stroke them and sniff them. I love the words and the stories and the rhythms and the structures. I love the illustrations and the play between them and the text, and the theatre of it all. I love getting review books and exploring my amazing local... Continue Reading →

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