Tom and Millie’s Whizzy Busy People by Guy Parker-Rees

As a huge fan of Giraffe's Can't Dance (and the rock 'n' rolling rhinos) I was very excited to find Whizzy Busy People waiting for me on my doormat. And it didn't disappoint. There's a lot to love about this book. It combines two of the things little people adore - spotting things, and Exciting... Continue Reading →

Wild Child by Jeanne Willis and Lorna Freytag

You know that feeling when you see a book and you get a thrill of excitement? When you have found something new and exciting and daring to be different. When you pick it up and read it and that thrill of excitement is transformed into butterflies as you realise that this book is truly something... Continue Reading →

Inclusive Minds

Beth Cox and Alexandra Strick work together under the name Inclusive Minds. Inclusive minds is a collective for all those with an interest in children's books and diversity, equality and accessibility in children's literature and are committed to changing the face of children's books. Despite only running for a few months it is already gathering... Continue Reading →

Equal marriage and inclusive publishing

This evening I am watching BBC Parliament. This is not something I do on the average Monday evening but tonight they are arguing about whether I should have the legal right to marry the woman I already call my wife. So far 3 amendments have already been defeated and positive progress towards equality is in... Continue Reading →

The ARB and the Little Rebel Book Award

Continuing the spotlight on radical and inclusive books, we have a visit from Nik Gorecki, restorer of the Alliance of Radical Booksellers and creator of The Little Rebel Book Award? He is passionate, inspiring, and radical. He sees a gap and works to fill it. Read on and be inspired. 1. Firstly, could you tell... Continue Reading →

Hans and Matilda by Yokococo

This book ticks all the boxes for me. It has a strong female animal character, it is quirky and clever, both in design and concept. It is a book that begs to be stroked, makes you smile and makes you think. Hans and Matilda was shortlisted for the Little Rebel Children's Book Award. Guest judge... Continue Reading →

Letterbox Library

In the first of my posts celebrating the world of radical and inclusive books, I am shining a sparkly spotlight on Letterbox Library. Letterbox Library is a not-for-profit children's bookseller celebrating equality and diversity. They have recently been involved with the London Radical Bookfair and ran the Little Rebel Children's Book Award on behalf of... Continue Reading →

My daughter is not a penguin

It's no secret that I am passionate about books. I strongly believe that books play a vital part in finding and creating your identity. Picture books help children learn about themselves and their place in the world. The images they see in picture books help them make sense of the world - who is in... Continue Reading →

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