Goodnight, Boy

Goodnight, Boy by Nikki Sheehan is a small book in that, like a Sarah Crossan, it is sparse, poetic, considered. But it is also huge beyond compare. In heart, in depth and in hope. It is one I will come back to again and again. 'A tale of two very different worlds, both shattered by the... Continue Reading →

Piglettes by Clémentine Beauvais

I can't tell you how much I loved this book. To do so I would have to come and meet each of you individually and just hug you, really tight, go off on an animated political rant and then possibly dance and force feed you cheese. Because there is so much going on in this... Continue Reading →

One Thing Stolen by Beth Kephart 

  This book is stunning.  The cover is gorgeous and perfectly depicts the essence of the story- all hail Kristine Brogno. But the writing! The writing is like nothing I've ever read before. Think Sarah Crossan meets Jeanette Winterson. It is the book that I am still holding even though I've finished it. Because I can't... Continue Reading →

Binny for Short – Hilary McKay

Attention please...! You must all read this book: I am newly converted to Hilary McKay's outstanding writing. She has such a gift for observation, understanding, warmth and wit in her writing. This is a book that feels like coming home. 'Binny's life has been difficult since her father died and her dreadful old Aunt Violet... Continue Reading →

Your Hand in My Hand

Your Hand in My Hand by Mark Sperring and Britta Teckentrup is deliciously scrummy! I wish I could photograph every page and share the delightful illustrations with you. Or pop round to every single one of your homes to give you a look. Instead, I'll share a glimpse and you can all go out and... Continue Reading →

Mine! A sharing story

Sharing is a tricky concept that all children have to learn to deal with at some point. It can be a very emotional lesson to learn and often children need a little help. Mine! by Jerome Keane and Susana De Dios is a bright, bold and stylish book that gently explores sharing through humour and... Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Family

Last night Mollie was reading an old finding out book about the body. She called me upstairs and asked "It says that when they grow up a man and a woman can live together and have a baby but it doesn't say that a woman and a woman can, or a man and a man... Continue Reading →

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