Fairy Detective Agency

I am a huge fan of Sally Gardner's Fairy Detective Agency series. The writing is dazzling and challenges young readers with stonking vocabulary and description. The mysteries are filled with twists and turns and supernatural wonders. But it's the characters that make this series really special. My daughter and I have shared each book in... Continue Reading →

Rosie Revere, Engineer

Hurrah!!!! A book that shows a female engineer! In fact, Rosie Revere, Engineer (Abrams) provides two stonkingly good role models for children and celebrates the history of women engineers and aviation pioneers. Shortlisted for the Little Rebels award 2014, it is a book that has the potential to empower children and change their future. Shy... Continue Reading →

I love those Little Rebels

Last year I wrote about the first ever Little Rebels Children's Book Award for radical children's fiction. And now it's back for round two! The Little Rebels Children’s Book Award recognises fiction for ages 0-12 which promotes or celebrates social justice and equality. Right up my street! It is given by the Alliance of Radical... Continue Reading →

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