Signed Margaret Atwood giveaway – Reading my rainbow

Today I challenged myself to spend the summer holidays sorting out my teetering piles of books; getting reacquainted with the ones at the back and trying to have a bit of a (gentle) cull by releasing a book a day. It hasn't entirely worked yet, as hunting through the piles has just made me realise... Continue Reading →

Reading the Rainbow – my summer reading challenge

This week I'm taking Mollie to the library to sign up to the Summer Reading Challenge and then we'll have a booky picnic in the park and read each other stories. And I'm really looking forward to it! Last summer Mollie and I had a very booky summer holiday and this one is heading in... Continue Reading →

Interaction + immersion = possibilities.

Children's books and art have a lot in common. Not just because the majority of children's books are highly illustrated and created by artists, but because the art and language work together to create a kind of theatre and immerse children in the world of the book. When they are immersed in this new world... Continue Reading →

Mine! A sharing story

Sharing is a tricky concept that all children have to learn to deal with at some point. It can be a very emotional lesson to learn and often children need a little help. Mine! by Jerome Keane and Susana De Dios is a bright, bold and stylish book that gently explores sharing through humour and... Continue Reading →

None the Number – a counting adventure

Oh, picture books! I really do love them! They give children so, so much... and then they just keep on giving. In my recent post about learning to read I begged parents/carers not to leave picture books behind when children are learning to read - or when they can read independently. Picture books still have... Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Family

Last night Mollie was reading an old finding out book about the body. She called me upstairs and asked "It says that when they grow up a man and a woman can live together and have a baby but it doesn't say that a woman and a woman can, or a man and a man... Continue Reading →

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