Pax by Sara Pennypacker

'Pax was only a kit when his family was killed and he was rescued by 'his boy', Peter. Now the country is at war and when his father enlists, Peter has no choice but to move in with his grandfather. Far worse than leaving home is the fact that he has to leave Pax behind. But before Peter... Continue Reading →

I want to see myself in my books – eczema/allergies/skin conditions

A dear friend asked me if I knew of any books that would help her 2 year old son understand his eczema and allergies, something to show him that he is not alone or 'different'. He has severe allergies and as a family they are still learning what his triggers are and how best to... Continue Reading →

None the Number – a counting adventure

Oh, picture books! I really do love them! They give children so, so much... and then they just keep on giving. In my recent post about learning to read I begged parents/carers not to leave picture books behind when children are learning to read - or when they can read independently. Picture books still have... Continue Reading →

The Day the Crayons Quit

I read a gorgeous post this morning about the importance of picture books. It's here and you should read it! I imagine that, as you are reading this blog, you already believe that picture books are wonderful inspiring things that teach children (and adults) so very much. But read it anyway because it will make... Continue Reading →

We All Sing with the Same Voice

We All Sing with the Same Voice is full of inclusive joy. I must admit to not knowing the Sesame Street song that it comes from but the book works beautifully as a standalone. Each page shows children celebrating their similarities and their differences in a brilliantly simple way. The children sing about their different... Continue Reading →

Tv tie-in books

This is the book that has been the immediate hit in the Rainbow Library. Fireman Sam Hide and Slide by Egmont I made a point of including some tv tie-in books to encourage the children's use of the book box and boy was that a smart move. The library has only been running for two... Continue Reading →

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