Sloth Slept On by Frann Preston-Gannon

A group of children find a sloth snoring away in their garden. Not knowing what it is, they pile it into their wagon and set off to find out. Two of the children use their imagination to play out where the sloth could have appeared from, while the smallest looks to books to find out... Continue Reading →

Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan

This book is a gift. A book that I want to share with all the children (and adults) I know so that they can experience the journey of reading it. The best books change you as you read them. They offer you a view of another way of life or a different perspective when looking... Continue Reading →

Oh, Dog, How I Do love you!

I must admit, at the very start of this review, that I have a very heavy bias towards this book - It is a book about loving books! I am therefore genetically programmed to adore it and want to stroke it at regular intervals. Any book that starts with this: immediately has a place in... Continue Reading →

This is my Book by Mick Inkpen

I love books about books. Children love books about dragons and wolves, especially if they are misbehaving. And so, in a combination so delicious I could just eat it, I give you This is my Book by Mick Inkpen. A gorgeous book where a Bookmouse attempts to stop a Snapdragon doing nasty things to the... Continue Reading →

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