All About Cats

Cats sleep all day, never getting up to mischief... right? Hmmm. Not so much! All About Cats by Monika Filipina (ChildsPlay) is a peek at what happens when the humans are out of sight and cats are left to their own devices.  Starting their own band, going crazy with the art equipment and getting creative in... Continue Reading →

Gender play is Child’s Play

Child's Play produce beautiful and inclusive books that celebrate diversity and tolerance. It's their thing and they excel at it. Here are three brilliant examples that I want to share. Mayday Mouse by Seb Braun 'When Captain Mouse sets sail on a bright, sunny day with a birthday present for her brother, little does she... Continue Reading →

Encountering dementia

More and more children are encountering dementia in their families and are learning to adapt their relationships to account for dementia's effects on their loved ones. Grandma by Jessica Shepherd (Child's Play) and Really and Truly by Emile Rivard and Anne-Claire Deslisle (Franklin Watts) explore a child's changing relationship with a grandparent who has developed... Continue Reading →

Gender non-specific characters

During discussions about the lack of female characters in children's picture books, I've noticed a few people saying that they swap the genders of characters as they read books to their children. It's easy enough to say 'she' rather than 'he' as you read along, and it can do wonders to balance out the genders.... Continue Reading →

Inclusive Minds

Beth Cox and Alexandra Strick work together under the name Inclusive Minds. Inclusive minds is a collective for all those with an interest in children's books and diversity, equality and accessibility in children's literature and are committed to changing the face of children's books. Despite only running for a few months it is already gathering... Continue Reading →

The Cloud by Hannah Cumming

The Cloud was Hannah Cumming's debut picture book in 2010. It's a stunner and she has since released The Lost Stars and The Red Boat. Seek them out, for I am sure they will please you greatly! The Cloud sees a happy group of children all enjoying their art class. All, that is, except one... Continue Reading →

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