Never Take a Bear to School

I love a starting school story. It's such an important time for children - and their grown ups - and can often be fraught with worry, mostly on the part of the parents! Sharing books about a potentially worrisome situation is a wonderful way to start a discussion and soothe those worries away. Especially when... Continue Reading →

NNFN – Mad About Mega Beasts

The line between fiction and non-fiction is thin and often blurry. Many non-fiction books use a narrative or other elements of fiction writing to get their information across. Mad About Mega Beasts by Giles 'Giraffes Can't Dance' Andreae and David Wojtowycz uses verse to create a kind of non linear narrative. Children will meet mega... Continue Reading →

Your Hand in My Hand

Your Hand in My Hand by Mark Sperring and Britta Teckentrup is deliciously scrummy! I wish I could photograph every page and share the delightful illustrations with you. Or pop round to every single one of your homes to give you a look. Instead, I'll share a glimpse and you can all go out and... Continue Reading →

Mine! A sharing story

Sharing is a tricky concept that all children have to learn to deal with at some point. It can be a very emotional lesson to learn and often children need a little help. Mine! by Jerome Keane and Susana De Dios is a bright, bold and stylish book that gently explores sharing through humour and... Continue Reading →

Colin and the Snoozebox

Oh Colin! How I do love you! I am a big fan of pets with really-meant-to-be-a-person names. I think Herman the goldfish or Barry the dog would be winners! Imagine standing on your doorstep, shaking a box of cat treats and shouting "Colin.... Coooooooliiiiiiin. Come home to me, Colin!" Genius! Colin has a very special... Continue Reading →

The Lost Books

I love books! Had you noticed? I love to stroke them and sniff them. I love the words and the stories and the rhythms and the structures. I love the illustrations and the play between them and the text, and the theatre of it all. I love getting review books and exploring my amazing local... Continue Reading →

Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray

Apple Pie ABC is no ordinary alphabet book. Oh no! It looks 'ordinary' in the face and laughs. This book is far too smart and stylish to ever be called ordinary. Alison Murray has taken the usual alphabet book format and mixed it with a traditional verse. And that is just where the story begins,... Continue Reading →

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