Oh, Dog, How I Do love you!

I must admit, at the very start of this review, that I have a very heavy bias towards this book - It is a book about loving books! I am therefore genetically programmed to adore it and want to stroke it at regular intervals. Any book that starts with this: immediately has a place in... Continue Reading →

The Cloud by Hannah Cumming

The Cloud was Hannah Cumming's debut picture book in 2010. It's a stunner and she has since released The Lost Stars and The Red Boat. Seek them out, for I am sure they will please you greatly! The Cloud sees a happy group of children all enjoying their art class. All, that is, except one... Continue Reading →

RhinoReads interviewed by ReaditDaddy

As part of his #Readitmd13 campaign to encourage parents to read to their children, ReaditDaddy has spent the week interviewing children's book bloggers and today it was my turn. I was thrilled to take part and had extra cake to celebrate. Here is his full blog post for your viewing pleasure: #readitmd13 - "Brilliant Book... Continue Reading →

Books I’m looking forward to…

The rain is back. Rain makes me grumpy. So I'm having cake for breakfast and looking ahead to some yummy books to make me smile. Join me! Martha and the Bunny Brothers: I Heart Bedtime by Clara Vulliamy A joyful celebration of bedtime rituals featuring the stars of Martha and the Bunny Brothers: I Heart... Continue Reading →

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